I’m Beth Barbeau CPM, LM, mom, midwife, author, and founder of ‘Indigo Forest: Healthy Births, Healthy Lives’
As you do the big, daily work of raising your family, I’d like to make your journey a little easier by sharing decades of expertise and my passion for supporting parents to “be their own best expert.”
Growing up, I was lucky. My mom overcame ill health and infertility in the early 1960’s with care from an early Palmer chiropractor, and with his education she became a natural health convert on the spot. Mind you, this was way before it was cool, or even easy, to be into natural health! Like the make-your-own-bulk-tofu early days.
Mom’s passion for natural health was a gift that influenced countless others for the better and shaped my life. As a teenager, this focus on natural health combined with my love of all-things-babies, and I was first invited as a babysitter for big kids to home births with Detroit’s Motor City Midwives in the late 1970’s. Just to BE at a home where “a real birth was happening” sent me over the moon!
Apprenticeship training after high school followed with Anne Frye, Harriette Hartigan and a range of midwives followed, which is the traditional way women have become midwives over millennia. This rich hands-on education allows young students to gradually assume more responsibility under the watchful eyes of experienced midwives, in real time as births unfold. My education has continued through the years with a pre-med degree, professional workshops, conferences, trainings, the NARM midwife certification process, extensive private study, and most treasured, the mentorship of incredible healers. I’ve been in private practice in Ann Arbor, MI since 1998, providing both comprehensive maternity care to families choosing to birth at home, and consulting on natural family health and parenting, locally and across the nation.
Education has always been a big part of my mission to empower mothers and fathers in the care of their families. There have now been decades of teaching families and professionals in the areas of midwifery, doula training, childbirth education, infant care, breastfeeding and natural health. (My CV is below if you’d like the details.)
In 2007 I founded “Indigo Forest: Healthy Births Healthy Lives,” a class studio and natural health boutique in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It was my response to the many health challenges and parenting questions that bubble up as we raise our families. It seemed like there was a generational loss, and mamas were no longer able to confidently ask the grandma next door what to do next. In this vacuum Indigo quickly became a beloved presence as “the place to go” when you had a question about natural remedies, a postpartum crisis or a kiddo problem that the pediatrician gave up on. Our storefront closed in 2016, but I’m still getting wistful calls about our ‘Mama Circle’ (mothering support group), ‘Nursing Cafe’ (breastfeeding support group), ‘Health Club’ (natural family health care classes), and our illustrious Christmas Waldorf toy bash.
Over the years I’ve found many natural modalities to be effective, including herbs, minerals, probiotics, vitamins and supplements, homeopathy, essential oils, flower remedies, Jin Shin Jitsu, healing touch, sun on your forehead, pure water, soft woolen long underwear and on. I’m looking forward to sharing these tried & true approaches with you through blogs, on-line courses, virtual offerings and all the ways we can come together.
Keep in mind that I offer information and suggestions not as your doctor, nor as giving medical advice, but as an experienced parent and natural health care professional sharing expertise and practical experience. It’s always appropriate to seek counsel from your own health care professional that you trust.
Here’s to the journey we can walk together.
It’s an honor to share in your
’healthy birth, healthy life’ journey!
I teach from expertise in natural health and midwifery, including decades of hands-on experience with families, and always with your empowerment and independence in mind.