How to Use the Reset Position to Remedy Contraction and Labor Issues
The ‘Hands and Knees’ position is instinctively assumed by women in labor all the time. And sometimes it’s suggested that women go farther, into yoga’s ‘Child’s Pose.’ But the Reset Position is quite different, and it could save your next labor a great many hours. It opens the pelvis wide, and provides an opportunity for the baby to back OUT of the pelvis and REPOSITION itself. It works MIRACLES!
Do You Know the Difference Between Doulas and Midwives?
Because of their shared, women-centered maternity health perspectives, midwives and doulas often appreciate each other’s work and may be at births together. Doulas assist mothers in positioning, provide emotional support and encouragement and act as an advocate for their individual birth plans, regardless of who is their health care provider. Midwives may also do these things, but are actually delivering (or "catching") the babies, and are responsible for the health care and safety of the mother/baby dyad in labor and birth.
Mamas, Make Labor Easier By Moving Around
One of the primary keys to having an efficient and effective labor is having the unborn baby well-positioned in mama's pelvis. And if this seems to not be the case, based on how labor is moving along (or not), remember that to move the baby, move the mama! By understanding this general concept, anyone can effectively help their baby along in a way that fits their personality, their birth setting, and their labor circumstances.
IV Fluids Are Not “Required” in Normal Labor
It’s become common to tell all women who are birthing in medical facilities that they need an IV placed in their hand or arm “just in case.” However, when this routine medical intervention is examined more closely, it becomes clear that it’s massively overused, and unnecessarily complicating labor and postpartum for far too many mothers.
Expert Proof That Red Raspberry Tea is Safe Throughout Pregnancy
It’s become fashionable to bicker on the web about the dramatic risks or benefits of drinking red raspberry leaf tea at certain stages of pregnancy. As a midwife who has safely used red raspberry herbals with pregnant and lactating clients for over four decades, I’m rather astounded at the level of incomplete information and fear-mongering that is being promoted as authoritative. Let’s clear up the confusion!
These are the Books That Midwives & Doulas Suggest You Read
Good books on pregnancy and birth will introduce you to new information, expand your understanding of both details and broader picture, and help you more effectively navigate your childbearing year with clarity and peace. As a midwife, I’ve found that the “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” series does just the opposite! Whether you are a stories person, or relax into lots of good data and studies, find the book(s) that help find your ballast and grow your confidence. Here are some tried and true volumes that generally have reliable info, respectful tones, and empower their readers to more capably navigate their birth journeys and health care experiences.
Healthy Baby, Healthy Birth: Why You Are Not Safer When Doctors Rush Your Pregnancy
Time is a frequently unnamed and unacknowledged medical complication plaguing most births currently taking place in hospitals and even birth centers. Considering the fast-paced nature of modern culture, perhaps it follows that the issue of time is having a never-before-seen, and increasingly disastrous effect, on pregnancy, birth and postpartum recovery.
Who Delivers My Baby?
Most importantly, it’s the mama who ‘delivers’ her baby! She grows her baby, and she births it; I do mean vaginally or surgically. The process of birth, all births, encompasses our body, mind and spirit. And, mother-babies may be assisted in their births by a range primary care professionals such as OB’s and Midwives, as well as their partners/spouses, friends, and professional doulas. Women have choice in their birth attendants and birth locations, even towards the end of their pregnancies, or within insurance boundaries, hospital proximity, or tight budgets.