Healthy Heart, Happy Heart
More than any other organ, we seem to intuitively understand that our emotions and our heart are interrelated. In fact, Harvard Medical reports that “…how you feel emotionally can have a big effect on your heart health. Not only does depression appear to promote heart disease, but it can also result from a heart attack.”
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) also suggests that the health of internal organs are interconnected with emotions. “This means that the emotional state of your mind can end up damaging the organs linked to those emotions over a period of time. In addition, the health of the organs can also affect the way you feel.”
It's probably no surprise that joy and love are the emotions linked with the heart. Here are some natural approaches to nurture the hearts in your family, whether you are concerned about a family history of heart disease, or you’re comforting a teen with their first broken heart.
During a hug we release oxytocin, which is the bonding hormone that brings relaxation and reduces anxiety and stress.
Free and fun, this literally slows our heartrate, reduce the stress hormone norepinephrine, and can lower our blood pressure. The sweet spot for improving our healthy neurochemicals are hugs that last at least 20 seconds. Frankly, for a lot of us, 20 seconds feels unusually long at first with someone who’s not a romantic partner. However, the mutual sigh of relaxation that comes when you try this out with a good friend is amazing!
Virginia Satir is a pioneer of family therapy, and she suggests that humans need at least 4 hugs per day for survival, 8 hugs per day for maintenance, and 12 hugs per day for growth. What a great prescription!
Good long hugs are good for your heart.
Herbal Hawthorn
The Hawthorn Tree is a devoted herbal ally of the heart, valued throughout history for it for its ability to treat heart problems, and often viewed as the best cure for a ‘broken heart.’ World-wide studies confirm that components of the hawthorn berries energize the heart cells, increase circulation in the heart and extremities, and tonify cardiac muscle.
Because oxygen uptake by the heart is improved, many people experience a higher level of energy or alertness when they use hawthorn berry preparations.
Hawthorn berries are so safe* that I have used them for decades with my midwifery clients to quickly relieve their ‘racing heart’ that sometimes come with pregnancy. World-wide studies confirm that components of the hawthorn berries energize the heart cells, increase circulation in the heart and extremities, and tonify cardiac muscle.
*There is one significant contraindication because it works so well – do not take Hawthorn if you also take the cardiac drug digitalis. Hawthorn tends to ‘potentiate’ this drug, and they should not be combined unless a physician is closely adjusting the medication to avoid serious side effects from its increased action.
Hawthorn berries can be added to herbal tea infusions, taken as capsules, or as a liquid concentrate called herbal tincture. Another wonderful and potent form is a liquid extract from plant sprouts called Gemmotherapy. In addition to medical uses, the folklore around the hawthorn tree is delightful. It was believed to be a home to fairies, couples used to dance around it for a marriage blessing, and hawthorn twigs were used to ward off evil from babies’ cradles.
Homeopathy is a gentle therapy well suited for the emotions that burden the heart; its rebalancing actions are safe to combine with all other therapies including pharmaceutical medication. The finer details are used to pinpoint the very best remedy for the heart-heavy situation.
A Recent Break-up?
Consider Ignatia first with any emotional shock, whether from the loss of a job, a relationship or death of a loved one; sighing and hysteria are common symptoms. Ignatia allows the person to more capably cope with their situation, and supports their grieving process.
OR Old Break-up?
Natrum muriaticum (Nat-m.) is effective for the chronic effects of older and perhaps hidden grief.
Feelings of Abandonment?
Pulsatilla is used after break-ups that leave one feeling forsaken, abandoned, needy, and result in a lot of tears.
ANGER suppressed?
Consider Staphysagria when the relationship or break-up had qualities of abuse and humiliation, especially if the recipient is yielding and gentle, and the anger is suppressed.
The AVACEN Device
The AVACEN is a remarkable Class II medical device that increases micro-circulation and systemic relaxation, treating the entire body through the palm of the hand. A small study showed a reduction in ‘mean arterial pressure’ after only 30-minute sessions, which is consistent with my clients’ antidotal experiences as well. The heart does more physical work than any other muscle over a lifetime, and benefits greatly from any healthy reduction in stress and anxiety. There are no contraindications for its use including heart meds, pacemakers, or even pregnancy; the AVACEN is safe, effective, noninvasive and easy to use. My clients have reported truly remarkable results for them and their extended family members.
Contact Beth for more info on AVACENs.
If you’d like to give one a try, AVACENs are available to rent by the week here in SE Michigan for the whole family’s benefit.
I commonly get questions about which products and where to get them. My Fullscript account is available to you to make gathering items for your family’s health stress-free. It’s a practitioner’s natural supplement dispensary, enabling me to curate my preferred selection of healthy remedies, including those restricted to practitioner use, just like when our store front was open. ALL products sold here are direct from the manufacturer (no middlemen), and tested for purity and accurate labeling. With an initial simple sign-in, you gain access to all Indigo Forest protocols and suggestions there, as well as 15% off and free shipping over $50. Thanks for supporting small business owners, providing free info is not a free endeavor!