What To Do When You're Worried About RSV
During respiratory seasons pregnant women and moms are especially alert to the risk of RSV for their babies. My clients express feeling like their only options are “to be worried or get the RSV vaccine,” but then feeling much more confident and informed when we discuss the following information.
You are NOT powerless in RSV season! Here are 3 mighty preventions and some RSV vaccine info to help you be more empowered in your choices, and keep your baby safe and healthy. (Please share far and wide, your whole community will stay healthier when parents know how to be more proactive!)
Low levels of vitamin D during pregnancy are linked to increased respiratory infections in the babies. Even moderate maternal levels of vitamin D have been found to reduce respiratory risks for infants, resulting in:
62% less lung infections
66% less ear infections
70% less colds
And even significantly less asthma at age 5!
The recommended daily supplementation* to maintain the most minimal level (30 mg/ml) of vitamin D is:
Neonates: 400-1,000 IU
Children 1 yr+ : 600-1,000 IU
Adults: 1,500 to 2,000 IU.
Mother’s first milk is colostrum, which is nature’s ‘Liquid Gold’ that transfers mother’s immunities into the baby. This is how the baby is able to be automatically protected with all the same immunities as their mother for their first six months. Breastfeeding continues to daily provide this very active immune protection, as mom makes antibodies to everything she is exposed to which is then passed on through her milk. Even if there are supply issues or you are not breastfeeding, these first drops of colostrum are life-long protective game-changes for your newborn. Also - remember that early colostrum is measured in drops, not ounces! Every drop helps!
Do your research on sites for CDC, the brand of the vaccine your are considering, or JustTheInserts.com. Physicians are required by law to provide informed consent every time they offer medical treatment. Delivering proper care means volunteering this information without bullying as part of your decision-making process, such as supplying the product insert with sufficient time to research the risks and benefits before the appointment. Receiving any vaccines in pregnancy requires exceptional scrutiny.
RSV vaccine in pregnancy ups risks of:
Premature birth (which is why it’s administered only after 32 wks)
Low birth weight
Stated side effects of the RSV vaccine administered to infants include: “Anaphylaxis and anaphylactic shock, including fatal cases, Urticaria (Hives), Pruritus (Chronic itchy skin), Angioedema (Swelling), Dyspnea (Shortness of breath), Respiratory failure, Cyanosis (blue/purple skin), Hypotonia (Floppy infant syndrome), Hypotension (Low blood pressure), Unresponsiveness, Severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count less than 50,000 per microliter), Injection site reactions.”
Also: There is reduced immune response to this vaccine if the immune system is already suppressed (Ie. pregnancy).
🩵 Take a deep breath! These are very highly charged topics, but getting more information will help them be less scary and you feel more confident of your decisions. I’ve been a midwife teaching holistic prenatal and postpartum care along with nutrition and natural health for many decades, and to the best of my knowledge none of ‘my’ young babies have been hospitalized with RSV. Taking reasonable precautions and attending to your health naturally does increase the odds of your baby staying safe and healthy.
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* Two great places to start for more info on vitamin D & immunity are this interview with Dr. Ryan Cole and this post on Dr. Mercola’s website.