Natural Health, Health, Naturopathy, Illness Beth Barbeau Natural Health, Health, Naturopathy, Illness Beth Barbeau

Earaches: How to Relieve the Pain, Speed Healing, and Calm the Screaming

There’s a great advantage to having a few natural therapies for earaches in your medicine chest, as they can often help relieve pain even more quickly than antibiotics. The most effective long-term results are often found with lifestyle and dietary changes, and also in strengthening your kids’ immune systems so their healthy microbiome (an inner terrain not altered or reduced from antibiotics) is able to robustly respond to viral and bacterial pathogens.

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How To Use the Postpartum Herbal Bath as a Healing ‘Do-Over’

Herbal baths have traditionally been used by midwives to help mothers and babies soothe and heal after birth. Sometimes however, birth does not go as hoped and planned. There may be grief about small details, or tremendous pain from difficult circumstances. It was in response to these challenging times that mothers and I came up with “The Do-Over Bath.” In this case, the herbal bath is also used as a ceremonial time to honor the closing of a chapter, and to make room for an emotional reset.

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