5 Healthy New Year’s Resolution Ideas
A healthier new year makes everything better! These simple five ideas are powerful starting points, and are offer improvements to everyone regardless of where you are on your healthy journey.
What To Do When You First Feel Sick
Nothing really tops simple prevention and prompt action as our first line of defense when we feel like we might be getting sick. It’s tempting to ignore the hints, but responding promptly is not only simple, cheap, and effective, but it saves massive amounts of time and suffering over the long term! When you have a hint that illness might be brewing, here are 7 actions you can take which have been successful in my family about 80-90% of the time.
Treating a Fever Naturally
Even though many physicians routinely suggest giving over-the-counter meds like Tylenol to bring down a fever, the body’s defense system remains inactive when the fever is artificially suppressed. This means that treating a fever with acetaminophen (Tylenol) may actually lengthen the illness! Luckily there are natural approaches that help the body with its heat without nullifying the fever benefits. The following technique, lemon leg wraps, is astounding.