Getting Kids Outside!

We've been discussing the wonderful natural consequences of more outside time for our kids EVERY DAY. 

Here are just a few:

  • Children breathe cleaner air. Indoor air has the off-gassing from all kinds of man-made materials, as well as all the germs and carbon dioxide from the humans.

  • Stress is reduced. Everyone needs to have a break from hearing, “Inside voice, no running, stop climbing, no fighting!”

  • Improved coordination. Kids naturally try to balance on the log, run over uneven ground, & climb the big boulder!

  • Better eyesight. Eyes experience less stress as children naturally adjust their focus from near to far, as well as the brain and visual stimulation from sunlight and playful focus.

  • Improved reading skills. All coordinated movements involving both sides of the body, such as crawling and running, which build connections between left & right brain hemispheres, supporting easier reading.

  • Increased study skills.  It’s easier to calmly focus when high energy has been used.

  • Improved cooperation skills. More space lends itself to easier negotiations.

  • Lowered obesity. Not only are children moving around, but they are also more likely to welcome healthy snacks with their robust appetite!

  • Better sleep.  It’s now been proven that a few hours outside before noon brings much easier and deeper sleep at night. The am sunlight stimulates hormone releases that lead to melatonin being released after dark.

  • Your house stays cleaner!  Both by eating lunch outside, AND by not being inside to mess it up.

  • Children learn independence.

Some ideas for being outside, when possible:

  • Be in nature, as it will have more animals, insects, sticks, rocks, and other elements to explore than a tidy, maintained area or playground.

  • Take an old small basket, the better for wee ones to gather rocks, stones, and other treasures.

  • Make stone piles, or mud rivers. Play scavenger hunt, “Go find a ….. red leaf, forked stick, flower, 3 stones in 3 colors…..,” as per your child’s developmental abilities.

  • Have the outdoor gear that makes weather less of an issue, rain gear, umbrellas & soft woolen long-johns help everyone enjoy the outdoors regardless of wet or cold weather!

  • Plant some (age-friendly) seeds. Chubby 2-year-old hands do well with bulbs-with-their- sprout-sticking-out-of-the-dirt, beans are not fussy & will tolerate enthusiastic 4-year-olds, and smaller flower seeds are better managed with slightly older 7 to 10-year-olds.

And some parenting hints:

  • That kids do well being “In” the center of things, but not so much “Being” the center of things – so to that end,

  • Don’t just WATCH them play!  Either play too, how about a really good swing?, or do some outdoor work at the same time.  Explore as well.   Bring resources to check out plant, tree or insect identification.

  • UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES PLAY WITH YOUR PHONE.  There, I said it.  YOU need to be outside too!  Eyes need move and relax, minds and bodies need deep breathing, the soul heals in nature.   Your health will improve, your mood will improve, your stamina & creativity will improve! 

  • Your children WILL TREAT THEIR CHILDREN IN THE WAY THAT YOU MODEL TODAY.   Do you want your grandchildren playing without interaction or participation while their parents show their concentration for their texting instead of adventure? 

  • Parenting is hard, but we need to have fun too!

  • DO check out the best "Getting Outside" encouragement from our friend Ginny at 1000 Hours Outside!!


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