Don't Forget to Breathe
As a midwife, I’ve spent considerable amount of time with young parents to-be in their springtime season. In this hopeful chapter, they often expect to birth their baby and mostly get back to their busy lives with a baby in tow. “But babies,” I tell them, “are not on iPhone time.” I teach them that we need to slow down for our babies, and take the time to be with these fresh little humans. Pretty consistently, the mothers who take the time to spend the first few weeks a little more quietly with their babies on their chests, especially with some “skin-to-skin” time, seem to ‘luck out’ more often with calm, bright-eyed babies who pretty comfortably settle into life along side their families....
Simple Elderberry Syrup Recipe Helps Families Sail Through Cold and Flu season
Elderberries have been used for millennia as both a food and a medicine, and its a wonderful immune booster of the best kind. It’s particularly useful to enhance winter immunity in cases of fever and respiratory constriction, and has been found to kill the influenza virus and shorten bouts of illness. Here's a simple recipe to make yourself, which is safe for the whole family!
The Holistic Mom's Guide to College First-Aid Kit Essentials
The problem with being a ‘holistic mom’ is that we want to send our grown-up kids out into the world with everything they could possibly need! The best college first aid kit addresses the most common small stuff in a general way and contains familiar, easy-to-use items.
Our Body Likes Spring Cleaning Too!
Our body naturally makes an effort to cleanse itself in the springtime, making it an ideal time for a gallbladder cleanse.* The gall bladder aids in the digestion of fats, and stores and releases bile. It’s a small organ that sits on the right side of the body directly under the liver. It releases bile into the digestive track helping to simulate peristaltic action – the process that helps the body move waste through bowels for excretion. Once the gallbladder is flushed out (which may include the elimination of gallbladder stones), then the liver and other organs in the body are free to release additional toxins. This further reduces the burden on the body. Here’s how!
Finding Time When Your Watch Stops
My watch stopped. At just the right time.
Sometimes we ask, “What would you do if you knew time was limited?” I’m asking, “HOW would we do time?” With even an extra deep breath or two, our brainwaves start to slow down or become synchronized. Moving towards this relaxed state of mind (the opposite of fight/flight/freeze), means being fully in the present moment becomes more possible. And we can experience the same busy day with a greater sense of calm and clarity. Even when getting the kids ready for school.
Deeply Nourishing Meals During Cool Seasons
The winter season often brings with it an old deep impulse to go dormant and hibernate. We work more comfortably with these seasonal rhythms by nourishing our selves & our families with yummy seasonal foods. While spring and summer are active times (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere) for movement and cleansing - think salads, watermelons, cucumbers and cold soups, winter calls for foods that warm, nourish and mineralize our bodies, such as soups, stews, dense foods and baked goods.
Why Do Breastfeeding Moms Complain That Holidays Reduce Their Milk Supply?
Through the winter holidays, it's fairly common for breastfeeding mamas to call with a whole string of nursing concerns because they feel their milk supply has gone down. Temporary circumstances can lead to a minor and temporary dip in milk supply. Here are some basics that can guide you to sorting out what might be going on in your case.
How to Stay Well - Even When No One Else Is
….Long long ago, in the time before 'The Pandemic’, you may recall that there was just being “sick.” This blog speaks to the good, old-fashioned practical approach to support our healthy immune state. This is helpful to resist and recover from all kinds of illnesses. As always, don’t hesitate to consult with your own trusted health care experts. Let's talk about how to hold on to your health, even when you're being continuously exposed to 'what's going around'.
Holistic Things to Do When Those We Love are Winding Down...
Dying is a topic most people vigorously avoid, until they can’t. We’ve found that many natural modalities, such as essential oils & flower remedies, bring comfort & relief to the entire range of life experiences, including dying. And, as a midwife who's personally gone through a number of up-close family deaths, I can say, gently, that there is indeed healing & wholeness to being present in the dying, as well as in the birthing that's usually my focus.
How to Treat Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, Naturally
Hand, Foot and Mouth disease spreads easily through day care centers and kindergarten classes. It brings great misery to families, is highly contagious, and can be hazardous to the immune-compromised. Let’s review it’s symptoms and typical course, which will help you choose your best natural, therapeutic response