How to Eat Pumpkin and Squash Seeds
At our house, the squash seeds are even more popular than the pretty orange vegetables; the kids wolf them down while waiting for dinner. Roasted squash seeds are super easy to make, so when squash and pumpkins begin to debut in your Autumn market, let the fun begin! The fresher and the smaller the seeds, the tastier they are to eat…..
An Introduction to Homeopathy
Natural remedies such as therapeutic essential oils, homeopathy, and herbs can offer a gentle correction or rebalancing for the body/mind system before things reach a crisis. Homeopathy is a safe, gentle, and natural therapeutic method that uses highly diluted natural substances to relieve symptoms. The active ingredients in homeopathic medicines are highly dilute properties from plants, animals and minerals that relieve the same symptoms they would cause at full strength (i.e., a micro-dose of coffee bean helps nervousness). Instead of masking symptoms, the medicine sends the body a signal to help it rebalance and heal.
The Midwife on Prostate...
I recently did an Instagram reel about (medicinal) weeds in my yard, and it led to being flooded with prostate questions! I know, LOL, that’s what I thought too! This is a very interesting incrimination of state of our health care system, that a midwife would seem like a great person to ask about men’s prostate health…but that’s a blog for anther day. So let’s take a look at how to help our men by helping their prostate, because nourishing and preventing is always a lot easier than solving a problem that builds for years! The prostate is a donut-shaped, walnut-sized glad that is wraps around the male urethra near the bladder. It produces the nutrient-rich fluid that nourishes and transports sperm (semen). The most common of prostate problems tend…..
Holistic Things to Do When Those We Love are Winding Down...
Dying is a topic most people vigorously avoid, until they can’t. We’ve found that many natural modalities, such as essential oils & flower remedies, bring comfort & relief to the entire range of life experiences, including dying. And, as a midwife who's personally gone through a number of up-close family deaths, I can say, gently, that there is indeed healing & wholeness to being present in the dying, as well as in the birthing that's usually my focus.
How to Treat Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, Naturally
Hand, Foot and Mouth disease spreads easily through day care centers and kindergarten classes. It brings great misery to families, is highly contagious, and can be hazardous to the immune-compromised. Let’s review it’s symptoms and typical course, which will help you choose your best natural, therapeutic response
How Clearing Energy Helps Everyone in the Family
Throughout time, each culture and most religions have had their own methods of purifying a space, sick room, or temple. Clearing your new house before you move in is a way of releasing it’s past, and starting with a sort of “clean slate” for the future. Clearing your house, in your own way, supports the presence of your home in being a nurturing haven for your family. There are many ways to cleanse a space. And, there is no exact recipe or perfect way to do this. The intention is to invoke clearing, cleansing, and release.
There Are Many Things You Can Do to Relieve and Prevent Mouth (Canker) Sores
Canker sores are small mouth lesions that unfortunately cause great pain! They often last a few weeks, but here are many approaches that you can add to your family’s ‘natural medicine chest’ to ease the pain, speed healing and prevent reoccurrence.
A Stress Strategy That Actually Helps
Adrenal deficiency is a very real effect of the modern life we’re living, and the consequences include symptoms that are now rampant among my midwifery clients, such as disrupted sleep, anxiety, racing thoughts, heart palpitations, allergies, elevated blood pressure, depression, headaches, and decreased tolerance to stress, just to name a few. The very good news is that real change can be felt quickly through precise supplementation and small changes made with awareness. The first step is to have a new understanding about the scope of stress that is our life - let’s start with this fascinating ‘stress inventory’ that you can take right here!
Getting Kids Outside!
There are wonderful benefits of more outside time for our kids EVERY DAY.
Here are just a few: Children breathe cleaner air. Indoor air has the off-gassing from all kinds of man-made materials, as well as all the germs and carbon dioxide from the humans.
Stress is reduced. Everyone needs to have a break from hearing, “Inside voice, no running, stop climbing, no fighting!” Improved coordination. AND MORE!