Expert Proof That Red Raspberry Tea is Safe Throughout Pregnancy
It’s become fashionable to bicker on the web about the dramatic risks or benefits of drinking red raspberry leaf tea at certain stages of pregnancy. As a midwife who has safely used red raspberry herbals with pregnant and lactating clients for over four decades, I’m rather astounded at the level of incomplete information and fear-mongering that is being promoted as authoritative. Let’s clear up the confusion!
What To Consider Before Flying in Late Pregnancy
This question gets asked a lot around the holidays. Here’s my midwife perspective from helping mothers birth, and navigate family holidays, for over 40 years.
Treating a Fever Naturally
Even though many physicians routinely suggest giving over-the-counter meds like Tylenol to bring down a fever, the body’s defense system remains inactive when the fever is artificially suppressed. This means that treating a fever with acetaminophen (Tylenol) may actually lengthen the illness! Luckily there are natural approaches that help the body with its heat without nullifying the fever benefits. The following technique, lemon leg wraps, is astounding.
Safer Birth in a Barn? How Race Horses are Treated Better Than We Are
Our deeper understandings of birth may come to us from the most unexpected sources, and at the most unanticipated times. During a stretch when I was selling insurance, I found myself in a very unusual place: a stud farm for some of the most valuable horses in the world. One of the stalls emanated energy that felt like so much like birth, I peeked in the large horse box. It was a familiar scene, but with a four-legged mama; a swollen mare was pacing restlessly in the afternoon quiet, deeply breathing and blowing. Her unborn foal was already worth about three million dollars (in 1990 dollars!) because of the lineage it shared with two Triple Crown winners. As horseman explained the barn birth I was about to see, it was entirely shocking how MUCH better it was than humans experience in modern hospitals!
Three Effective Things to Do Today to Protect Our Families From PFAS in Our Tap Water and Our Lives
Here’s a quick summary of the PFAS issue, and natural options to effectively relieve our bodies of PFAS’s toxic accumulation and reduce our continued exposure. Tap water is confirmed to be a major source of contamination, and there is specific mineral supplementation to consider in helping to shift the bio-burden of PFAS out of the body.