How Clearing Energy Helps Everyone in the Family
A dear friend was moving, and our conversation turned to clearing the new house. She had never heard that it could be beneficial to “clear the energy” in a home or elsewhere with sound, smells, or even light sage smoke (like incense.) Throughout time, each culture and most religions have had their own methods of purifying a space, sick room, or temple. Ancient Egyptians described clearing as bringing chaos back into order, Christians tell of Jesus cleansing the temple reflecting similar sentiments, “Peace be still.” In modern times, Marie Kondo the decluttering maven, is teaching about using chimes and sound to freshen the energy and help clear a room.
“Tuning forks are one of my favorite self-care tools. I use them before speaking to a large group of people, visiting a new space or whenever I need to clear the air.”
'Clearing' means to clean the house of the leftover energy imprints from the previous occupants. Have you ever noticed that immediately after there has been an argument, the room just doesn’t feel as friendly, let’s say, as the sweet nursery upstairs? Or, do you remember your grandparents saying things like, “If these walls could talk?”
Energy is invisible, but provides a tangible experience. Everyone is familiar with rubbing their hands together and feeling the warmth and tingle of your changing energy. The dictionary defines energy as, among other things, “a dynamic quality.” Everyone and everything has energy to it (or a frequency), and some of it will feel uplifting and some depleting. We have all known people that make us smile just to be in their presence, and others that make us feel like we 'need a shower.' Their words, posture and ‘energy’ that they radiate combine to affect those around them. You may also have had the palatable experience of energy in the air, for instance, after being in:
A rainstorm or lightening storm.
A meaningful concert or impassioned speech.
A congregation after a rousing hymn or passionate sermon.
Or the discomforting feeling standing next to a certain stranger, for instance.
Clearing your new house before you move in is a way of releasing it’s past, and starting with a sort of “clean slate” for the future. Even new construction has been filled with many workers and trades people, each with their good and bad days. Clearing your house, in your own way, supports the presence of your home in being a nurturing haven for your family.
There are many ways to cleanse a space. And, there is no exact recipe or perfect way to do this. The intention is to invoke clearing, cleansing, and release.
Energy can be shifted by drumming, singing, stomping, clapping, dancing, humming, ringing bells, playing instruments, or even diffusing high quality essential oils. Religious communities have their own ways - the Catholic Church burns frankincense to purify and sanctify, and for many religions smoke symbolizes prayers rising to heaven. Anything that lifts your spirits and fills the space positively is a good place to start for your new home; I’m personally a big fan of the power of flexibility, enthusiasm and positive intention!
One of the most powerful and traditional means is to ‘smudge’ the space with a bundled stick of white sage.
This Native American tradition is used before and during sacred ceremonies, to cleanse both participants and space; here is an excellent introduction, and here.
In North America, sage, cedar/juniper, sweet grass and tobacco are the four most sacred plants, and all are used in smudging traditions. I have been invited to participate in such traditional ceremonies, and have always emerged humbled, cleansed, connected to Spirit, and filled with gratitude.
"Smudging is the...burning of herbs and plant resins in a shell or clay bowl while prayers of gratitude and wellbeing are said aloud. The smoke is traditionally fanned using the hand or a feather (eagle feathers are treasured for this) and directed over a person or throughout a living space. The purpose is to wash away impurities, sadness, anxieties, dark thoughts and any unwanted energies or emotions that may be clinging to a space or individual.
This is often done before a ceremony or special gathering, after an argument (to literally “clear the air”), when moving into a new home, at the end of the cold season to re-invigorate one’s living space, and on a variety of other occasions." The Art of Smudging, NIck Polizzi
Smudging is said to open up the mind to emotional healing, compromise and forgiveness. In addition to bringing energy back to ‘neutral’, medicinal smoke of varying kinds have been found to reduce airborne bacteria by up to 90% and for up to 30 days!
Loose herbs can be used, although they are commonly dried and bundled with string into a ‘sage stick,’ which is then lit. This smoking incense can be swirled around individuals if desired, and then you go on a walk throughout the house, bringing along an abalone shell (traditional) or any fireproof container to serve as an ashtray. Visit each room of your new home, ideally moving into each corner, behind each door, and paying attention to thresholds. You may be surprised to find the sage flaring up in certain areas, as if it’s burning away a little extra there. Don’t forget the basement, garage, and attic too, if possible. I’ve even walked the perimeter of a yard to assist with issues with neighbors.
This ceremony can be amplified and grounded by your out-loud prayers, declarations, intent or blessings – essentially to claim the space for the safety and wellbeing of your family. In each room I pause with the sage (it’s wafting lightly, not a billowing smoke), and say something like:
May this space be cleared of all that has come before, and all negativity released to light (G-d). May goodness, healing and love serve the highest good of all who live (sleep/eat/play/park/etc) here. May our family be healthy, happy, and connected in love in this space. May we be Divinely protected in all time and space, and in this home.
Each family has it’s beliefs, religion and traditions to honor through your words. Just be attentive that your words are positive, and do not limit the good, the possible or your expectations. Afterwards (and during if needed), open the windows and release it all, allowing a healthy breeze to finish the job. You can put out the sage stick by tapping it in dirt or in the shell, or even just letting water drizzle on the embers at the tip to put them out. (Soaking the stick not a great idea.)
Clearing brings chaos back into order.
Just as you would clear the spiders’ cobwebs away as you clean, using song, smoke, chimes or tuning forks will help to clear the energetic cobwebs for a fresh start.
Metaphorically or literally.
I’ve done all sorts of versions of clearing after arguments, round-and-round family illnesses, and holiday gatherings.
Smudging has brought peace during home funerals, at campsites, and in hotel rooms and rental cars.
When Indigo Forest was a storefront, our customer traffic and sales ALWAYS perked up immediately after we cleansed the old stale energy in the store by smudging.
I’ve clapped old frightened energy out of a hospital birth room, where probably 1000’s of medical births have happened. Since a flame is wisely not allowed in the hospital, I give the laboring mama a heads up, and then do the clapping when she goes to the bathroom. The energy changes, and the labor moves along.
Once all of the stuff is out of our old house, I also cleanse the home we’re leaving so things are in a fresh state for the next family, and to wrap up our own chapters as well.
The simple art of smudging brings tremendous cleansing and release to space, buildings, events....and especially ourselves.
Resources - Your local health food shop may carry sage sticks. We like white sage like these, or a set like these.