Scream Relief: Natural Remedies for Wasp & Bee Stings
Seeing the wonderful and quick relief of my young son’s bee sting with natural a few simple natural products are what started my enthusiasm for a ‘natural remedy first aid kit.’ Here are the natural remedies are the most effective approach with wasp and bee stings and simple to keep on hand.
“The fireworks are too loud!”
Homeopathy is wonderfully effective remedy approach to those who dread the fireworks’ season, and it’s safe for everyone including infants, elderly, pregnant, those with PTSD, those on anxiety medications, and even pets. Look for the best symptom match, and it’s fine to use more than one. It’s not unusual to have family members, including 4-legged ones, who find fireworks distressing. The noise may be overwhelming to fearful small children or anxious adults, or trigger former military members with PTSD memories. And as a midwife, I’ve often counseled pregnant women to ‘let their babies know’ what to expect if they are attending a fireworks event, so they will be less alarmed by the explosive noises.
Learning Through Imitation: Parenting Essentials
“The imitative nature of the baby and young child is so obvious and so all-pervasive that we tend to be blind to it, unaware of its implications for parenting,” opens a 1987 Mothering Magazine article by author Rahima Baldwin. “Your child learns everything through imitation - walking, talking, toilet training, tying shoes, endless tasks. And imitation manifest in expressions and gestures, as when we see and hear ourselves in our children’s play. “ I’d add that while parenting is now extremely child-centered, none of these actions are learned better from a screen or app. “The most effective way to correctly behavior in the young child is to provide an example in movement rather than to reason it out….”
Finding Time When Your Watch Stops
My watch stopped. At just the right time.
Sometimes we ask, “What would you do if you knew time was limited?” I’m asking, “HOW would we do time?” With even an extra deep breath or two, our brainwaves start to slow down or become synchronized. Moving towards this relaxed state of mind (the opposite of fight/flight/freeze), means being fully in the present moment becomes more possible. And we can experience the same busy day with a greater sense of calm and clarity. Even when getting the kids ready for school.
Healthy Heart, Happy Heart
It's probably no surprise that joy and love are the emotions linked with the heart. Here are some natural approaches to nurture the hearts in your family, whether you are concerned about a family history of heart disease, or you’re comforting with a teen with their first broken heart.
Why Do Breastfeeding Moms Complain That Holidays Reduce Their Milk Supply?
Through the winter holidays, it's fairly common for breastfeeding mamas to call with a whole string of nursing concerns because they feel their milk supply has gone down. Temporary circumstances can lead to a minor and temporary dip in milk supply. Here are some basics that can guide you to sorting out what might be going on in your case.
How To Use Pine (Flower Remedy) for Emotional Relief
Flower remedies are a type of natural remedy rooted in balancing emotional states with the use of flower dilutions, in a similar fashion as the micro-dosing of homeopathy. Pine is one of Bach’s original 38 essences, it nurtures the positive states of self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, and the release of excessive guilt and misery.
What To Consider Before Flying in Late Pregnancy
This question gets asked a lot around the holidays. Here’s my midwife perspective from helping mothers birth, and navigate family holidays, for over 40 years.
Mom Gifts That Aren't Dumb
There lots of lists of the “Special Gifts for the Women in Your Life”. But these lists are AWFUL! Full of fancy perfume we’ve never heard of, lotion sets full of garbage, jewelry that looks like the entrance of every department store? Who WRITES this stuff?
So, here are some REAL gift-giving ideas moms will appreciate, use and remember!